When can I apply?
Graduate programs begin multiple times a year. Now's a great time to apply and join the next cohort.
Cohort Model: 队列是一群一起开始和完成课程的学生. We operate on a rolling admission basis, 这意味着线上澳博在完成申请后就会做出录取决定. 将邀请首批24名符合条件的申请者加入一个队列, so some target start dates may vary.
Have more questions about your options? 探索线上澳博的 online graduate degrees.
How do I apply?
1. Start Your Application
Use our online application to get started. 你可以休息一下,然后回来完成任务或检查你的状态. Have your bachelor's from Columbia College? Learn about your application advantage below.
2. Submit Your Personal Statement
Choose one of the essay scenarios listed below. 在你写文章之前,一定要看一下评分标准——评分标准是线上澳博给你的文章打分的标准.
- Essay Instructions
Essay Scenarios (Pick One)
- 解释你为什么选择这个特定的学习项目. 此外,在完成研究生学位后讨论你的计划.
- Choose one important personal achievement to discuss. 分享这一成就是如何对你的人生选择和抱负产生重大影响的.
- 在你的职业经历中,描述一个领导成功或失败的情况. In your assessment, 解释促成成功的基础或障碍的“力量”.
- 详细描述你如何看待你所在领域的领导者角色.
Essay Instructions
- Must be at least 2 full pages, but no more than 4 pages.
- 必须使用时代新罗马字体12点,双倍行距,一英寸边距.
- Any cover page, 用于标识信息(如姓名和地址)的行, or citations will not count toward your page total.
- Once you are ready, submit your completed essay to: documents@946543.com.
- 文章标题
9-10焦点 & Supporting Details The purpose and ideas are not clear. The topic is referenced but the purpose of writing is unclear; inconsistent use of details to support the topic. The purpose of writing is clear; provides specific details that support the topic. The purpose of writing is clear and successfully presents the topic in a unique way; consistently and effectively uses specific and vivid details that support the topic. 内容 & Organization No clear introduction, topic organization, or conclusion. The introduction states the main purpose; some organization; conclusion provided but not developed in a relevant or meaningful way. 清晰的介绍和结论,以逻辑顺序呈现信息的证据. The introduction is inviting and information is presented in a logical sequence; uses clear phrasing to distinguish between introduction and conclusion. Expression of Voice & 词的选择 Writing does not reveal the author's personality or view of the world; limited vocabulary use. 写作揭示了作者的个性和/或对世界的看法; writing lacks variety. 写作揭示了作者的个性和/或对世界的看法, leaving the reader wanting to know more. Writing uses varied word choices to support ideas. 写作揭示了作者独特的个性和/或世界观, leaving the reader wanting to know more. Writing uses words that are striking and fresh; natural, varied, and vivid. Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation 措辞、句子结构和语法不能支持或阐明文章的信息. Many errors appear and most interfere with the message. 措辞、句子结构和语法偶尔会支持或澄清文章的信息. Several errors appear and some interfere with the message. 措辞、句子结构和语法支持或明确文章的信息. 措辞、句子结构和语法提升了文章的信息.
3. Request Your Transcript
Request an official copy of your transcript. 官方成绩单应该直接从你就读的每个本科学院或大学寄来. 说明你是否有兴趣对以前的研究生学习进行转学分评估. You may receive up to nine hours of credit.
4. Submit Recommendations
Submit two recommendations using the following form.
5. Eligibility Documentation
Graduate students must submit one of the following:
- 本科累计GPA为3的官方文件.0对4.0规模
- 获得研究生学位的官方文件,累积GPA为3分.0
Divergent Learning, Organizational 领导, 高等教育申请者如果不符合上述GPA标准,也可以提交以下材料:
- MAT(米勒类比测试)成绩,日期不超过入学学期第一天上课前5年
- GRE(研究生入学考试)成绩,日期不超过入学学期第一天上课前5年
Have your bachelor's degree from Columbia College?
We know you have a strong educational foundation, and we want to give you continuous opportunities to succeed. That's why we give you an application advantage.
所有在哥伦比亚大学获得学士学位,平均绩点达到3分的学生.0分或以上,并符合特定的研究生课程要求,被接受进入线上澳博的任何在线研究生课程. Read on for more details.
- Koala Application Advantage Details
研究生申请人只需要完成申请,并使用提供的评估提示之一提交研究生入学论文. 不需要研究生考试成绩或推荐信.
Columbia College graduates with a GPA less than 3.0 but greater than 2.申请人可以提交哥伦比亚大学教职员工或工作场所或实习主管的推荐信,并提交研究生入学论文,使用提供的评估提示之一. No test scores or additional recommendations are required.
Have questions? 与线上澳博联系: 803.786.3871, admissions@946543.com, or contact a member of our admissions team 直接.
Office of Graduate 招生
Columbia College
1301 Columbia College
Columbia, SC 29203